Dear Members,
I would just like to take the opportunity as we finish 2019 prior to the Christmas and New Year break, to thank you for all your
efforts and support this year. It has been a really challenging
year for 2's and Excellent year for 1'... [ Read more ]
Parkfield & Headstone Cricket Club
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Club, held at the Clubhouse on Friday 29th November 2019 at 8.00p.m.
In Attendance Alan Chidley, Waseem Saber, Umar Khan, Pareem Katwa, Vikit Kothari, Nainesh Shah... [ Read more ]
Parkfield & Headstone Cricket Club
xxxth Annual General Meeting
Friday 29th November 2019
Saddlers Mead Ground Clubhouse
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of previous AGM
3. Chairman’s Report
4. To receive and adopt the Tre... [ Read more ]
Dear Member,
You should have all received notice of Friday's 29th Nov-19 AGM.
Things to be discussed include improved facilities/sponsorship plans new kit for all playing members
which should ideally be of interest to every one - especially has it... [ Read more ]
Dear All Members,
Please note our AGM will be held at the clubhouse from 7pm on Friday 29th
November. Please do make every effort to attend. Not only to support your team
mates celebrate their achievements last season but have your voice heard on any... [ Read more ]
Dear All,
First of all thanks to all those who managed to take out some time to help putting away the Nets and Sight Screens in the store, much appreciated.
Few key dates for your dairies and actions as noted below.
1. League Averages to be sen... [ Read more ]
 Dear All,
First of all thanks to all those who managed to take out some time to help putting away the Nets and Sight Screens in the store, much appreciated.
Few key dates for your dairies and actions as noted below.
1. League Averages to be sent t... [ Read more ]
Dear All,
We have one more important task to complete now the season is ended.
There is a need to put the nets & sightscreen panels into storage. We have had trouble with vandilism to our sight screens recently. So it will be good to have enough vo... [ Read more ]