Parkfield & Headstone Cricket Club
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Club, held at the Clubhouse on Friday 29th November 2019 at 8.00p.m.
In Attendance Alan Chidley, Waseem Saber, Umar Khan, Pareem Katwa, Vikit Kothari, Nainesh Shah, Matt Boxer, Mo Ali.
Apologies for absence were received from Peter Devenish, Pete Ford, Karmal Sharma, Jeevan, Barry, Dick Wootten, Arshad Malik, Ali Khan & Gerry Bloomfield.
- Apologies for Absence
- Minutes of previous AGM
- Chairman’s report
- To receive & adopt the Treasurer’s report & 2018/19 accounts
- Election of Officers and Captains for 2019/2020
- Election of 125 Club Organizer
- Proposed change to rules
- Chairman’s Closing Comments
- The AGM minutes for 2018 were approved
- Proposed by Waseem
- Seconded by Matt Boxer
- Chairman’s remarks –Wassem Saber report
Thanks to everyone who made an effort to attend the meeting and showing your support
for the club, I thank Grymsdyke chairman and his team who attended the AGM to
support as a club, we look forward to have more members from Grymsdyke join PHCC.
Congratulations to the 1st XI for achieving something this year that we have not
managed for the 79 previous years promotion to Divsion-3A, First Team has managed to
get 3 promotions in last 5 years and 2019 will be remembered as the best year for
PHCC, winning the league with a game to spare is really excellent achievement, Umar
and Team will get credit for creating a place in the history of PHCC. 1 st Team is now
becoming an envy for other clubs for their behaviour on and off the field, almost all
opposition teams respect the talent this team poses and there is high expectation that
they will continue to bring more laurels to the club.
On the other hand 2nd Team after such a great previous year with a promotion, lost a little momentum and didn’t deliver to the promise, Thanks to Tee Malik for his excellent effort with the support from team members, it was a great effort by the team to turn up and play week on week even during these poor results, which shows the resilience in the 2nd Team, and I hope, this attitude will take the 2nd team to its glory days again. Thanks toTee again for his efforts for the past 4 years.
Miren Shah stepped down as chairman this year, the Club understand Miren’s position and thank him for his efforts as chairman, needless to say, Parkfield & Headstone had the best time in their history under his stewardship, winning 5 promotions and many more awards. Well done to Miren for leaving the club in a such a great position cricket wise and financially healthy, but, he now promised to take the ownership of the 125 Club and am sure with his touch the club will benefit immensely and break more records in terms of generating funds for the club, which we require ever so dearly.
The Nets have been booked again at the same place, starting in January- (Sunday 01:00 to 03:00pm), I request all members to make use of these facilities and support the club, we aim to at least break even this time and not make a loss as previous year. I request the captains to bring their team members in numbers, I expect the nets to be in full capacity as 1’s promotion to Div-3A and 2nd ’s demotion to Div-10A are motivation factors.
As all of you that have played for a long time- you recall numerous characters that you have enjoyed playing with and against plus coming across people in your development that have inspired you to play.
And another reminder to all - if you haven’t paid your subs or dues please do - we are all volunteers - and the treasurer/s has a thankless task badgering those that have been amiss. The cost of running the club increases year on year and we do endeavour to keep fees within reasonable bounds.
Finally, thanks to all present and past officials for their sincere effort in keeping PHCC
Yours in Sport
- Treasurer’s report
Vikit presented the audited accounts for 2019, showing a profit of £682.00 for the year.
Some of the highlights of the report are listed below
- Less subscriptions were paid this year only 16 members paid full subscriptions, expected at 28 members to pay. This was very disappointing from a club point of view.
- Match fees income were less than last year.
- 1st team overall collection was £437 after taking umpire fees & tea funds into consideration
- 2nd team overall collection £1045 after taking into tea funds into consideration.
- There are still some match fess outstanding where players have promised to transfer but haven’t done this, Chairman has been given a list of these players.
- 125 club is vital to the club and we encourage all members to join.
- Note, rent is still to be paid to the council as the rent has not been paid for the last 4 years due drainage issues the club suffered over the last few years. The council are now chasing for payment but the club are challenging the cost but the rent payments for the last 4 years have been taken into our accounts.
- There was a loss of approx. £400 from winter nets as there was a poor turnout.
- Overall bank balance for the club is £2900.
- Nainesh Shah praised Pareem Katwa for his effects in collecting the match fees for the 2nd team, collecting the match fees before the game started.
The full report is posted on the website.
Turning to next season 2019:
- Election of officers
All officers were elected unopposed.
Therefore the officers for 2020 are
President (joint)
Barry Golding
Peter Ford
Waseem Saber
Vice Chairman
Ali Khan
Pareem Katwa
Vikit Kothari
Child Welfare Officer
Amit Vadera
Fixtures Secretary
Waseem Saber
Membership Secretary
Alan Chidley
Team Secretary
Role not required for 2020
Social Secretary
Matt Boxer
Equipment Secretary
To be confirmed
Press Officer
Jeevan Singh Riyait
Committee member
Mo Ali
Committee member
Nainesh Shah
Election of captains and vice-captains 2020
1st XI Umar Khan vc Ali Khan
2nd XI Waseem Saber vc Jeevan sing Riyait
125 Club –
Peter Ford who has been organising the club for over a number years has decided to retire and requested someone else to takeover in running the club. The members decided to elect Miren Shah as organiser of the club, Miren has accepted the position.
A message to all our members is to join the club as it only cost £1 per month and encourage their families to join, the more that join this will benefit the club.
All senior positions above were proposed and accepted by the members who attended the meeting.
- Membership and subs/match fees.
In order to ensure that the club remains on a sound financial footing there is no increase to Membership Fees of £150.
Annual Membership
Adult £150
Junior under 16 £70
Match Fees including tea Adult £10, Junior £7
Two additions offers were proposed and accepted by the attending members on the evening, these are
Annual memberships & match fees £300 (£150 subs, 18 games of match fees)
Match Fees £20
(£20 will be charged if members have not fully paid their annual subs before the season)
Please note the match fees will not change during the festive religious season as voted and agreed by the members who were at the meeting.
All annual subscriptions to be paid before the 1st game of the league season and team selection will be based from fully paid members first and then the rest of the remaining pool of players. Both team captains will be provide with a list of fully paid members before the season starts.
- Any other business
1st team teas to be prepared by Trevor’s daughter.
2nd team teas to be prepared by Wassem’s son.
Waseem has requested all players to turn up to the ground at least 1 hour before the games start; this is to ensure the ground and clubhouse is ready before the opposition arrive.
1st captain worried about facility points given by the opposition team as the team are now in Div .
Matt Boxer questioned the progression of the ground i.e scorebox etc.
- Before the season starts the scorebox will need to be thoroughly cleaned inside, possibly better lighting, chairs and a lick of paint to be in place before the season begins.
- Pareem Katwa suggested as part of the setting up the ground the sweeping up the changing rooms is also done before the opposition arrive, last season before the 2nds home games Pareem used to sweep the floors of both changing rooms of mesh and mud.
- Waseem mentioned the league have appointed staff in maintaining strict rules in fining clubs who don’t abide by the rules.
Alan Chidley pointed out to the captains to give a warning to the opposition captains if the main clubhouse is in use as the teas will be taken in the 3rd changing room, if they are aware before arriving to the ground hopefully they will not mark the facility points down for the 1st team.
Amit mentioned he may be able to obtain sponsorship from Tigarbay, part of the deal could be to have 2 or 3 social events in a year at the Tigerbay club.
If there is a new sponsorship arranged for the new season, the club will looking at buying new shirts, caps and hoodies for players to wear. If the sponsorship is obtain shirts and caps will be given to those fully paid members as part of the subs, hoodies will be sold separately, all is depending on obtaining sponsorship.
Also to consider for the future sponsorship deals, Waseem suggested the club should ask for sponsorship of match balls.
Members were reminded that it is our intention that the winter nets will operate on Sundays from Jan to Mar 2020 at Nower Hill School.
Dates 12th Jan to 16th Feb 2020
Time: 1pm to 3pm
Nets: one
Durarion: 6 weeks
Dates 1st March to 29th March 2020
Time: 1pm to 3pm
Nets: two
Durarion: 5 weeks
Fees: £5 per person.
We encourage players from both 1st and 2nds to come to the nets as there was a poor turnout from the 2nd team last year.
Hire of ground (Sunday)
Grymsdyke are willing to hire the ground on Sunday for the 2020 season.
Waseem to confirm dates and cost of hire in due course.
Social and fundraising
Matt Boxer to arrange an event before the season, possible awards & social night.
Further news will be given once dates and venue is confirmed, look out on website and the WhatsApp’s groups.
The meeting closed at 10.25pm
Minutes taken by Pareem Katwa
AGM Minutes signed by
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Waseem Saber Pareem Katwa
Chairman Secretary (2019)
Date…………………………… Date…………………………..