Parkfield & Headstone Cricket Club News story

Chairman's End of Season Update!

22 Oct 2019

Dear All,

First of all thanks to all those who managed to take out some time to help putting away the Nets and Sight Screens in the store, much appreciated.

Few key dates for your dairies and actions as noted below.

1. League Averages to be sent to league - WE-25/10/19- Captains to action.

2.Presentation Day - 02nd Nov-19  (U Khan and Team to attend)

3.PHCC AGM 29th Nov-19  at Clubhouse ( from 07:00pm to 10:00PM).

4.Indoor Cricket Nets - 1st Session 05th Jan-2020 from 01:00 to 03:00PM.

5.Treasurer's Report(DRAFT)  WE-01/11/19.

Other non related issue

the AGM of Leagues. see below note from league

" We are concerned with the growing lack of interest at the AGM – fewer than half representatives of member clubs turned up for the last one.  We are considering sanctions; one is a points fine, or additional points (which is what the senior league does) at the start of the following season for competitive games" 


League is looking for committee members and in particular a Secretary, if anyone fancies, please get in touch.




